Restorative Dentistry in Phoenix, Arizona

Implants, Crowns, & More

If you are one of the many individuals who has deteriorated, damaged teeth, it is time to start restoring your smile. With the many services available at Valley Dental Group, you can improve your oral health and restore the beauty of your smile. Dr. George Eifler performs exceptional dental restorations in Phoenix, Arizona, helping patients throughout the greater Chicago area.

If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with our prosthodontist, call our office at 602-956-2260. We would love to help you restore your smile in a way you feel great in.

We offer the following restorative treatments:

Restorative dentistry is the branch of dentistry that focuses on the restoration of damaged teeth. This can involve a variety of different procedures, such as fillings, crowns, bridges, dentures and implants. Restorative dentistry is important because it can help to restore the function and appearance of your teeth. Damaged teeth can cause pain and make it difficult to eat and speak properly. They can also affect your self-confidence.

Restorative dentistry may involve filling in damaged or decayed portions of the tooth or even creating new teeth with a suitable material. There are a variety of materials that can be used for this purpose, including metals, ceramics and composite resins. More complex cases may require more extensive treatment, such as dental crowns or bridges. In these cases, the damaged tooth is first prepared and then fitted with a custom-made restoration. This restoration can help to restore the function and appearance of the tooth.

If you are considering restorative dentistry, the first step is to schedule a consultation with our prosthodontist. During the consultation, we will assess your oral health and discuss your treatment options. If you decide to proceed with treatment, we will develop an individual treatment plan. The cost of restorative dentistry varies depending on the type of procedure and the severity of your dental problem. However, most procedures are covered by dental insurance.

If you have damage or decay to your teeth, it is important to seek professional treatment. Restorative dentistry can help improve your smile and oral health. Call us today to start your journey toward a better smile.